In the dynamic landscape of start-ups in Luxembourg, the Bioincubator stands out as a true engine of innovation. Located in the heart of an iconic building, this incubator offers much more than just workspaces; it creates an ecosystem conducive to growth and collaboration. Discover this unique innovation hub and see how it helps shape the future of entrepreneurship in the health sector in Luxembourg.


Creating an environment conducive to innovation in health

At the Bioincubator, innovation is at the core of everything we do. Through strong partnerships with the Ministry of Economy, the University of Luxembourg (LIH), and Technoport, we provide start-ups with privileged access to state-of-the-art laboratory spaces, as well as a network of world-renowned mentors and experts. This close collaboration between the public and private sectors creates a fertile environment where innovative ideas can thrive.


Operational support and personalized guidance

“We understand the challenges faced by health start-ups. That’s why we offer comprehensive operational support, from managing medical equipment to resolving contractual issues related to regulations.” A dedicated team from LIH, LCSB, and Technoport, led by Dr. Silvia Colucci, is here to support health start-ups at every step of their journey, helping them develop their ideas, establish strategic partnerships, and overcome the specific obstacles in their field.


A dynamic and collaborative community focused on health

One of the main strengths of the Bioincubator is its vibrant community of health start-ups and entrepreneurs. “By encouraging the exchange of ideas, collaborations, and synergies, we create an environment where innovation can thrive.” Regular networking events, thematic workshops, and health-specific mentoring sessions are organized to foster interactions among community members, thus promoting creativity and entrepreneurship.


Focus on digital health and technology

In an increasingly technology-driven world focused on medical technology and digital health, the Bioincubator positions itself as a key player in the health sector in Luxembourg. “By focusing on innovative start-ups in this burgeoning sector, we help shape the future of healthcare in Luxembourg and beyond. Our rigorous selection of start-ups ensures that only the most promising companies join our incubator, creating a dynamic and thriving ecosystem dedicated to innovation in digital health and medical technology.”


By offering a growth-friendly environment, quality operational support, and a dynamic and collaborative health-focused community, “we are proud to play an active role in creating an innovative future for Luxembourg and beyond. Join us today and together, let’s innovate for a better future in health.”